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Negative Impacts of Reciprocal Links: Four major impacts on your website

Favoring someone with the intention that you will also get something useful in return. But this does not count as ethical SEO practices. When you have to earn something, then consistency is the first condition. Furthermore, most people make mistakes when they start looking for easy ways out. Though this technique can help you in the short run, it is not useful to achieve higher goals. 

While one applies the strategy of reciprocal links to drive results. Moreover, at the same time, it increases the chances of harming its website’s authority.

What exactly are reciprocal links?

A link on a webpage that connects back to the same page is reciprocal linking. This back and forth linking usually occurs when two different brands make a pact to favor each other. In this article, we will discuss four major impacts of reciprocal links on your website: 

1. Becoming Suspect in the Web Graph

Search engines keep a very keen eye on the performance of websites. For ensuring that one is following the basic criterion. Furthermore, for providing correct and authentic information to users.  Search engines present the performance of websites in web graphs. In this graph, a line becomes visible between the edges of the nodes of those websites. Which follows the practice of reciprocal linking. This line makes a website suspicious, and the ranking gets lower.

2. Increased Risk of Being Flagged as Spam

While reciprocal links can sometimes help improve your website's rankings in the short term, they are not a sustainable SEO strategy. Search engines are constantly evolving their algorithms, and reciprocal links are becoming less and less effective.

As the competition has become tougher. The rules of play have also not remained the same. The webpages that try to highlight their significance with inappropriate practices Artificial Intelligence catches them instantly and keeps them in the spam farm. Observing the process is one of the important factors in its checking criteria.

3. Loss of traffic and decrease in site authority

Google penalties can lead to decreased traffic on a website. This is due to the decreased likelihood that people will find a website that has received a Google penalty in search results. Reciprocal links can also decrease the authority of a website. This is because Google sees reciprocal links as a sign that a website is trying to manipulate search results. When Google sees that a website is receiving a lot of reciprocal links, it may assume that these links are not valuable and that the website is not a trustworthy source of information. This can lead to a decrease in the website's authority, which can make it more difficult for the website to rank well in search results.

4. Reciprocal links can benefit your competitors

If you reciprocally link to a website that is your competitor's, you are essentially giving them free backlinks. This can help them improve their rankings and make it more difficult for you to compete with them. It is because there is a possibility that your competitor will get the advantage. Exchanging links between direct competitors can be costly. 


When one earns digitally. Then it takes some time to build up the trust of your customers. But, when a company achieves this, it becomes its most valuable asset. So, do not lose the trust of your customers by applying risky strategies.

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