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7 Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Bounce Rate by 42%

The people who land on your website with some intrigue of knowing something, but they do not stay for a long time on your website, this action can not be considered a good practice for targeting more visitors to your website.  As long as the visitor stays on the website, it is good for the website's’ ranking. And, to target more users of the website, you need to follow some of the steps that would play a productive role in increasing the number of customers for your business website. 

How do visitors stay longer on your website?

Provide specific information to your visitor that you claim in the title so that the visitor sees the content according to intent. Prefer saving from distractions, because when one's interests build up, viewers do not lose their concentration. Until, they achieve loyalty to your website and happily bear delays on your website, like when Youtube shows ads in the middle of a video, you need to frame the attention of your visitor. Try, to deliver in time for them to look at your website. However, you can use the following hacks to amuse them on your website along with information.

1. Creatively use visuals

The use of creative visuals can have a positive impact on website visitors. Relevant images and videos can help to create a more engaging and informative experience for users, which can lead to increased time spent on the site, improved SEO rankings, and more conversions. For example, Google has recently begun to show YouTube videos on its news page. This is because they have found that users are more likely to watch videos than read text, and that videos can help increase engagement and understanding of news stories.

How do creative visuals attract visitors?

By providing visual images, you can catch the attention of your users for a long period of time. According to a study by EyeTrackShop, a market research company, people spend 90% of their time looking at visuals. Similarly, Yankelovich, a market research firm, estimates that an average person sees 5,000 to 10,000 ads per day. Therefore, the following practices will help you improve your bounce rate. In scientific terms, it is called the picture superiority effect. As a human mind sees a picture, it takes in all the information at once, including the shape, color, and movement of the image. So it remembers information provided in visuals at least for three days.

2. Improve site speed

Visitors who land on your website have high expectations for speed. With millions of websites available online, they are likely to move on to another one if your website takes too long to load. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your website loads quickly and efficiently. 

A good rule of thumb is to aim for a loading time of 2 seconds or less. Anything above 3 seconds is considered slow and can lead to decreased user engagement. According to Google, a one-second improvement in page load time can lead to a 7% increase in conversions.

How do you improve your website's loading speed?

Compressing the size of images will help with your website’s loading speed. Avail the services of content delivery network (CDN) providers to improve loading times all across the world. Remove unnecessary whitespace and comments from the code to make it load faster. Use a database management system (DBMS) to optimize your website database. 

3. Create clear and concise call to action

Calls to action (CTA) are not simply about persuading visitors to purchase your products or subscribe to your website. They are about making them aware of your available offerings, so that a new relationship can begin. CTAs are designed to guide visitors according to their preferences and needs. They do this by providing clear and concise instructions on how visitors can take the next step in their journey with your brand. For example, if a visitor is interested in learning more about your products or services, a CTA might direct them to a landing page with more information. If a visitor is ready to make a purchase, a CTA might direct them to your checkout page.

How do you effectively use calls to action?

You can use the following techniques to create effective calls to actions. These techniques will help you compel your readers to take action.

1.    Use concise and clear sentences

2.    Start with stronger verbs such as “buy”, “download” or “contact”.

3.    Lead them to their interests. For example, show them more products that match their interests.

4.    Tell about your discount offers 

4. Use relevant keywords in your titles and descriptions

Critically select relevant keywords from your content and use them appropriately in your titles and descriptions. This will not only help your visitors understand the central theme of your content, but it will also assist Google bots in comprehending your website. Additionally, provide relevant information about your content and avoid deviating from your topic.

What is the right technique for using keywords in your content?

Keyword research is a critical component of content creation. Do not simply chase high-volume keywords; instead, consider how they relate to your niche and provide well-researched content that is useful to your website visitors. Avoid keyword stuffing and focus on the usefulness of the content rather than just the keyword.

5. Personalize your content

Personalized content allows visitors to find the content that is most relevant to their interests, which can increase engagement rates. Website owners can use a variety of tools to learn about a user's past purchases, browsing history, or social history in order to recommend products or services that are likely to be of interest.

How do you offer personalization on your website?

Start with small steps, such as home pages and product pages, and check their performance with analytical tools. If you are a beginner, you do not need to personalize everything at once on your website. Wisely use the data you collect to make it useful for your visitors. Do not just fill up your files for the sake of collecting data. Most importantly, ensure the privacy of your visitors.

6. Offer social media sharing options

Imagine a situation from your own personal experience. Whenever you find something on the internet that touches your heart, you like to share it on your social media profile. Similarly, when your visitors find something interesting, entertaining, informative, and useful on your website, they like to share it on the internet. According to a study by HubSpot, an American developer and marketer of software products, websites that have buttons for social media sharing have a 70% lower bounce rate than websites without social media sharing buttons.

How do you add social media sharing buttons to your websites?

You can add social media plugins to your website using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress or Drupal. However, you can also manually add it if you have familiarity with HTML and CSS. It requires adding the code.

7. Track your bounce rate and analyze competitors

Take help from web analytics tools like Semrush, Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, or Kissmetrics to track the bounce rate of your website. It will help you identify which webpages are working well for your website and which are not gaining much interest from your visitors. Furthermore, the tools will also provide you with the data of your competitors, if their websites are performing better than yours, you can learn from their strategies.

How do you make effective use of the analytical tools to improve bounce rates? 

The analytical tools help you know the bounce rate, average time of visitors on each page, and pages per session. After analyzing, find the problems, and always be open to changes that can improve the bounce rate of your website. It could require changes in navigation, content, and design. For example, if you have a high bounce rate on your homepage, you could make it more clear and informative by adding a search bar, a list of your most popular pages, or a call to action. If you have a low average time on page on your blog posts, you could make them more engaging by using images, videos, or interactive elements. If you have fewer pages per session on your product pages, you could make them more informative by adding more product details or by providing customer reviews.


In conclusion, it is important to always produce authentic and interactive content for your website. This will help to keep users engaged and on your website for longer periods of time. Quality is always preferred over quantity, so make sure that your content is well-written, informative, and relevant to your target audience. You can also use visual elements, such as images and videos, to break up text and make your content more visually appealing. Finally, be sure to test and optimize your website regularly to ensure that it is performing at its best.

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