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Chat GPT: 6 Plugins That Only 18 Million Out of 1.8 Billion Users Use

AI increases speed and consistency in the process of creating something. It evaluates your data and provides the most accurate results according to your content. AI can also help in developing virtual assets. However, it is important to use AI for the right purposes and not abuse it. You can use it in multiple ways, and the following extensions will help in different ways:

How to use chat GPT plugins

Define the purpose of using it, like if you need it to ease your travel journey or for some educational need. Pick one from the following applications and fortify your borders. First, go through the installation process. After installation, you need to enable it in settings. After enabling it, you can study its documentation to understand its usage.

  • Duet OpenAI Chat GPT

You can integrate Open AI’s  Chat GPT into your applications. It will help you perform a variety of tasks, including validating payment information and detecting fraud. In addition, the plugin is available on multiple platforms, including Python, Node.js, and Java. It contains multiple features, which makes it a favorite of developers because it has an easy API and available support for multiple platforms. 

Furthermore, the Duet OpenAI Chat GPT plugin improves workflow and saves you time. If you are looking to develop a platform to create human-like text for your platform, then this is a useful plugin. The plugin is built on a massive dataset of text and code. Therefore, it has the ability to generate accurate and consistent results, as compared to other chat bots or AI tools. Use of the plugin will also help you improve customer service in your business.

  • InsertChatGPT

InsertChatGPT integrates with your CRM systems, so you can further streamline your marketing automation processes. The chatbot reads data from your CRM system, such as contact information, customer preferences, and purchase history, and provides personalized responses to your customers. It also helps to improve customer service of your business by recommending products that your customers are more interested in. 

Furthermore, the good news is that it is available on multiple platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace. Customization is easier, select topics according to your requirements, and you can personalize the chat bot’s responses as well.

  • Kayak

When you plan to travel, the Kayak plugin is one of your best companions in figuring out your travel plans. You can share your dates and schedule, and the plugin will tell you about available flights, hotels, and rental cars within your budget. Meanwhile, it saves your travel ideas and adjusts your dates as you define your compulsions for the chatbot.

Furthermore, the chatbot provides links as well, so you can analyze service providers. The chatbot guides you to the cheapest dates to book a flight from your city to an ideal destination. Moreover, users can ask questions about family-friendly hotels with the best facilities. If you need a plug-in for walking tours, then the Expedia plug-in is better, Kayak is good for long travels.

  • Whimsical

You can draw diagrams on your OpenAI chatbot using the whimsical plugin. It generates a visual flowchart and provides you with a mind map to explain something in a better way. Using the plug-in you can create a chart about the working partners of your company. In addition, you can create  sequences of steps for your project.

Furthermore, streamline your process in more effective ways while using Chat GPT and whimsical together. The Open AI chatbot will explain the processing of the diagram. So, whoever reads it, will better understand a topic, whether it's for personal use or for showing to your students or viewers of your website or YouTube channel.

  • Zapier

Zapier helps you connect multiple services in your business. If you allow it access to your accounts, it can draft messages in Gmail, Slack, or add something to a Google spreadsheet. Meanwhile, using it, you can update your notion table as well. It helps you manage your daily routines.

  • AIomatic

Alomatic is useful for content marketing. After installing this plug-in on your WordPress site, you can generate content from the backend of your website. It generates AI Human like text, translates your languages, and answers informative questions. You can customize it for your specific needs as well. It is easy to use while streamlining your marketing efforts.


There are almost 1.8 billion users of Chat GPT across the world, and only 1% of them consider using these plug-ins. These essential pieces of information and the implementation of your knowledge keep you a step ahead of your competitors. Use these to resolve your routine problems and get one step closer to your objective.

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