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7 Ideal Upper Body Workouts: Follow Twice a Week to Get Results

When it comes to building a well-balanced physique, concentrating on your upper body is just as important as working on your lower body. Your functional fitness is improved, as is your overall attractiveness and injury prevention, by strengthening and toning your upper body. This post will go over seven top upper body exercises that you should include in your daily fitness regimen. You can feel stronger and more self-assured while seeing noticeable benefits by doing these exercises twice a week.

Benefits of Upper Body Workouts

Let's take a moment to grasp the advantages of including upper body workouts in your fitness plan before moving on to the specific exercises. Here are a few significant benefits:

  • Strengthening: Major muscle groups in the chest, back, shoulders, and arms are worked out in upper body exercises, which increases strength and defines muscles.
  • Standing taller can reduce your risk of back pain and improve your alignment all around. Building stronger upper back and shoulder muscles makes this possible.
  • Increased Metabolism: Vigorous upper body exercises will help you burn more calories throughout the day and maintain a healthy weight by increasing your metabolism.
  • Balanced Physique: You can develop a balanced and proportionate physique by focusing on both your upper and lower bodies.

Let's now explore the seven best upper body exercises you may do to get amazing results.

Push-Ups: A Classic Upper Body Exercise

Push-ups are a tried-and-true exercise that simultaneously targets a number of upper body muscle groups, making them a fantastic option for an upper body workout.They mainly work the muscles in the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. How to do a push-up

  • Start off with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart in a plank stance.
  • Maintaining a straight back, lower your body until your chest is almost touching the ground.
  • To raise your body back up to the beginning position, exert pressure via your palms.
  • The recommended number of times should be repeated.

Dumbbell Bench Press: Building Chest and Arm Strength

A complex exercise that primarily tones the shoulders and triceps while simultaneously working the chest muscles is the dumbbell bench press. The dumbbell bench press is performed as follows:

  • Lay down on a bench while holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.
  • With your arms fully extended, press the dumbbells up while concentrating on contracting your chest muscles.
  • Bring the dumbbells back to the starting position in a smooth motion.
  • The recommended number of times should be repeated.

Pull-Ups: Strengthening Your Back and Arms

Pull-ups are a good upper body exercise that mainly works your arms and back muscles. They need a horizontal bar or a pull-up bar. To lift yourself up, execute the following steps:

  • Using an overhand grip and hands that are just wider than shoulder width apart, grab the pull-up bar.
  • Hold on while extending your arms fully.
  • Pull your body upward by using your back and arm muscles to do so until your chin touches or clears the bar.
  • Return your body to the beginning position by lowering it gradually.
  • The recommended number of times should be repeated.

Shoulder Press: Developing Strong Shoulders

The shoulder press is an excellent exercise for targeting your deltoid muscles, which are responsible for shoulder strength and stability. Here's how to perform the shoulder press:

  • Stand or sit upright with a dumbbell in each hand, held at shoulder level.
  • When your arms are fully extended overhead, lift the dumbbells up.
  • With control, return the dumbbells to their initial position.
  • Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

Bicep Curls: Sculpting Your Arms

Exercises like bicep curls are useful for targeting and enlarging the biceps muscles. Bicep curl instructions are as follows:

  • Holding a dumbbell in each hand with the palms facing ahead, stand straight.
  • Curl the dumbbells upward while keeping your elbows close to your torso and squeezing your biceps.
  • Smoothly return the dumbbells to their initial position.
  • The recommended number of times should be repeated.

Tricep Dips: Toning the Back of Your Arms

Targeting the back of your arms, specifically the triceps, is a wonderful goal of tricep dips. Tricep dips can be done on parallel bars or the edge of a solid chair. Take these actions:

  • Face ahead and place your hands on the bars or chair shoulder-width apart.
  • You can lower your torso till your upper arms are parallel to the floor by bending your elbows.
  • To raise your body back up to the beginning position, exert pressure via your palms.
  • The recommended number of times should be repeated.

Rows: Improving Posture and Upper Back Strength

Rowing is a good exercise for building upper back muscles and enhancing posture. Using a cable machine or resistance bands, you can execute rows. Here's how to use resistance bands for rows:

  • Securely fasten the resistance band to a stationary object.
  • Holding the band's ends in each hand, stand tall.
  • Your shoulder blades should be squeezed together as you pull the band closer to your body.
  • Return to the starting posture after gradually releasing the strain.
  • The recommended number of times should be repeated.


If you want to build strength, improve posture, and create a balanced physique, your training program must incorporate upper body workouts. By completing the seven ideal exercises described in this article—push-ups, dumbbell bench press, pull-ups, shoulder press, bicep curls, tricep dips, and rows—you may effectively target and enhance your upper body muscles. Remember to perform these exercises at least twice a week for the best results.


Q: What are the recommended sets and repetitions for each exercise? 

Ans: It is recommended to perform three to four sets of eight to twelve repetitions for each exercise to encourage muscle growth and strength development.

Q2: Can I carry out these exercises without any special equipment at home? 

Yes, you can work out at home without any equipment with exercises like pushups, pullups, and tricep dips. However, for exercises like the dumbbell bench press and bicep curls, you might need dumbbells or other resistance bands.

Q3: How long before these exercises start showing results?

Depending on variables including consistency, intensity, and unique body composition, the length of time it takes to reap regular benefits may change. You can start noticing increases in strength and muscle tone with consistent, twice-weekly workouts.

Q4: Should I seek advice from a fitness expert before beginning these exercises? 

Before beginning a new workout regimen, it's always a good idea to speak with a fitness expert or healthcare provider if you are new to exercising or have any underlying medical concerns.

Q5: Can ladies use these upper body exercises to their advantage? 

Absolutely! Both men and women can benefit from doing upper body exercises. They improve posture, strengthen and tone the muscles, and promote general health and wellbeing.

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